I was a skeptic of fairytales. Raised in the shadows of broken marriages, I couldn’t quite grasp the allure of happily-ever-afters. But then, on a December evening that will forever dance in the halls of memory, my life took an enchanting turn.

It was December 7, 2023, a date etched in the stars as the day my heart found its true north. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of rose and gold upon the shores of Bohol, Philippines, my reality transformed into something straight out of a Taylor Swift song.

You see, I had never been one to dream of white dresses and diamond rings. Marriage, to me, was a tenuous dance with uncertainty. Yet, fate had other plans, wrapped in the tender gaze of my beloved. Against the backdrop of swaying palms and the gentle melody of the waves, he knelt, a silhouette against the canvas of twilight, and asked for my hand in marriage.

In that moment, time stood still. The cynic in me melted away, leaving behind a kaleidoscope of emotions I never knew existed. It was as if the universe conspired to rewrite my story, casting me as the heroine in my own fairytale.

The air was alive with the symphony of whispered promises, and fairy lights shaped in a heart adorned our sanctuary by the sea. It was a scene plucked from the pages of a romance novel, where reality and fantasy danced in perfect harmony.

As his words wove magic around us, I couldn’t help but recall lyrics of Taylor Swift’s songs, whose melodies had been the backdrop to so many chapters of my life. In that moment, her songs felt like whispers from a kindred spirit, affirming that love was indeed the purest form of magic.

With a trembling voice and eyes brimming with unshed tears, I said yes.
Yes to love,
Yes to forever,
and yes to the beautiful uncertainty of our journey together.

And just like that, my life changed from mundane to magical. In the embrace of his arms, I found solace in the belief that perhaps, just perhaps, happily-ever-afters were not reserved for storybooks alone.

As the waves sang our praises and the stars bore witness to our newfound joy, I knew that our love story was just beginning—a tale of two souls bound by destiny, etched in the sands of time for eternity.

An insight sounds great...